Frequently asked questions

What is the timeframe to raise the funds?
As far as a timeframe goes, we don't have one set in stone. We're aiming to raise the funds as quickly as possible, as there are other interested parties in the property aside from us and the current contract holder.

Will this be a non-profit or a for-profit venture searching for investors?
Our intention is to run this as a non-profit; we have the 501c3 in place for it. This assures that the farm serves the public good of the community. We remain open to the possibility that this may need the support of sustainably-minded investors instead, but we’d like to first gauge interest from the community as it is first and foremost for the people.
Will my donation go to having a part or share in this endeavor?
At this point, we are asking for pledges in order to gauge interest and support as a charitable service to the community. Once we reach our pledge goals, there will be an opportunity to turn your pledges into donations. Donations made will be considered donations, and are tax deductible. Once we achieve our goal and run as a 501c3, no individual will retain ownership in the farm – it would become community-owned at that point. All profits generated by the farm would therefore go back into the continuation and growth of the farm for the good of the public.
Who is trying to buy the land?
Legend Properties has had it under contract for the last 6 years and are now willing to release the contract to us, if we can raise the funds before they take offers from others interested in commercial development.
How are you getting the word out?
In addition to our website and social media outreach, as well as community partnerships, we are planning on local (and possibly national) news coverage both printed and on TV/internet, events, yard signs, and possible billboard space near the farm.
How much additional funding will be needed to start the farm project?
At this stage, we're not sure how much additional funding we'll need to start the farm project, and anticipate additional fundraising efforts and grants. That part can be grown out organically though (pun intended), one piece at a time. Our goal now is to stop the strip mall/gas station/condo development by buying out the current contract holder. And yes, he is willing to be bought out of the current contract. We've had several discussions with him on the matter. Our goal of raising $2 million will enable us to buy out the current contract holder and purchase the majority of the farm from the current owner.

Will there be a fundraising event?
We certainly have a fundraising event in mind, and will let everyone know when it will be via email and social media. On IG we are @savesantosfarm, and facebook.com/savesantosfarm
Does this project have any political or religious affiliations?
No. This is a community-led initiative by a small group of locals – from a diversity of backgrounds – whom have come together through their shared passion for saving this landmark and protecting our town from unsustainable developments.